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  • Writer's pictureGabby

Homemade Nut Milk- Cleaner, Tastier, All Around Better

I seriously CANNOT believe how long it took me to pull the trigger and make my own nut milk. It happened out of necessity since grocery shopping isn't what it used to be and I'm picky af about my ingredients. When I all the nut milks I could find had a list of ingredients full of gums, stabilizers, and preservatives (instead of being nuts & water) I decided to make my own. And I urge you to do the same!!


  1. It's so easy.

  2. It tastes SO MUCH better.

  3. It's better for you.

Walnut milk has been my favorite so far, but you can mix and match however you please. The recipe below makes 2 cups of milk- you can adjust the amounts and the math is simple: 1 part nuts, 2 parts water.

Tools/Equipment You'll Need:

  • A high speed blender

  • Cheesecloth or a nut milk bag

  • A small bowl to hold the nuts overnight in water

  • A large bowl

  • An airtight container to store the milk – mason jars work well!


  • 1 cup raw nuts (roasted won't blend smoothly)

  • 2 cups water

  1. Prep work: Soak you nuts in a small bowl with enough water to cover. Let them sit overnight for a minimum of 12 hours, but up to 24

  2. The next day, drain the nuts (the water will look a little murky, don't worry it's normal)

  3. Place nuts in blender with 2 cups of water and blend on high for 2 minutes. Note: if you want to add flavor, I do so here. Vanilla extract, maple extract, and cinnamon are all delightful, especially with walnuts!

  4. Strain into the large bowl using the cheesecloth or nut milk bag... pour mixture into your container and that's IT!

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