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  • Writer's pictureGabby

Warm Chia Breakfast N'oatmeal (A High Fiber, Low Carb, Protein Packed Oatmeal Imposter)

Updated: May 14, 2021

I used to eat oatmeal almost every day, topped with raisins, fruit, brown sugar and milk... yikes. Sugar on top of carbs that break down into more sugar. So I spiked my insulin early, crashed and was starving again by 10am. Literally was known as "girl who eats lunch at 10". Since I started being more aware of my blood sugar curve, I ditched the oatmeal. But I was craving a bowl recently, chia pudding on its own wasn't cutting it, so I started playing around with this "noatmeal" (modified from Be Well By Kelly faux oatmeal- just a few tweaks!) (note: it's not going to be just like oatmeal, because it isn't- its a little more porridgey so if you're cool with that or have been #lowcarb or #keto for a while and oat-less, it certainly hits the spot!)

This makes about 2 servings- I usually eat one as dessert and save the second for breakfast. It will thicken in the fridge so loosen it up with coconut or almond milk when you reheat.


(you can substitute some of these but for the best taste, try to stick to it!)

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil

  • 1 cup unsweetened light coconut milk

  • 3 tbsp chia seeds (doesn't really matter but makes it look more oatmeal-y)

  • 3 tbsp Whole Foods 365 Organic Maple & Vanilla Chia & Flax seed blend (this one is specific but worth finding!! Great on other things too but if you can't get this, can substitute with ground flaxseed)

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • 2 scoops Ancient Nutrition Vanilla Multi Collagen powder (sweetened with monk fruit)- see my discounts page for 25% off your first order @ThriveMarket!)

Topping ideas (not necessarily all at once!): Lakanto Maple flavored Monkfruit syrup, cinnamon or cardamom, blueberries, raspberries, nuts, hemp seeds, pistachios, more almond or coconut milk

  1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt coconut oil. Stir in chia seeds to coat well, then add flax/ chia blend (or ground flax seeds), cinnamon, coconut cream- stir until mixed evenly.

  2. Once the mixture thickens (3-5 min), add in collagen powder, stirring or whisking quickly & constantly so it doesn't clump. That's it! Serve it up topped with whatever your heart desires! My favorite combo is coconut oil, blueberries, and walnuts!

Let me know how you like it, what toppings you tried, adjustments- any feedback is appreciated!

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