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  • Writer's pictureGabby

Spanish Omelet Breakfast Muffins

I made these breakfast muffins because I wanted to do something different with eggs for breakfast and I had a chunk of manchego that was dangerously close to expiration… so these delicious bites were born! You can swap out the cheese for whatever you have, leave out the bacon to make it vegetarian, or try a different protein like ham or sausage. I encourage you to use a mix of root veggies for the hash to lower the carb count and switch it up 

You can also use the egg base and fill these with whatever toppings you want- they’re basically mini frittatas which is one of my favorite ways to recycle leftovers.

The recipe makes 12 muffins, I did half of what is below and was disappointed (but also happy) that no leftovers survived. These would be great to make for the week and grab in the morning or as a quick snack! Enjoy!


  • 1 cup shredded root veggie hash browns- I used a frozen mix of carrot, potato, and sweet potato

  • 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced

  • ½ teaspoon smoked paprika

  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1 tablespoon avocado oil

  • 4 strips of bacon- cooked & chopped (omit or swap to make it vegetarian)

  • 1 1/2 tablespoons melted grass fed butter

  • 1 ½ cups grated manchego (or your choice of cheese)

  • 8 pasture raised eggs (Vital Farms is my favorite)

  • Salt & pepper to tast

  1. Preheat your oven to 365.

  2. Prep your hash- over medium heat sauté the red onion in ½ tablespoon of avocado oil for 1-2 minutes until translucent.

  3. Toss shredded root veggies in smoked paprika and garlic powder, add remaining 1/2 tablespoon avocado oil to the skillet with the onions, and add the seasoned root veggies.

  4. Cook for 3-4 minutes, flipping and cooking for an additional 4 minutes or until its golden brown. Note- my veggies were frozen so could take less time if yours aren't. Also, flipping was kind of a mess but you're going to divide this among the cups anyway, so you don't need to make this perfect. Focus more on getting a nice golden crispness, if it's messy so be it :)

  5. Spray your muffin tin generously with avocado oil spray. (If I had cupcake liners, I might try using that for a more convenient muffin extraction, or make sure you grease the muffin tin well!)

  6. Divide the toppings among the muffin cups- start with the hash browns, about 1 heaping tablespoon in each, then chopped bacon or your protein (if you're using it). Lastly, divide the grated cheese among the cups.

  7. Whisk the eggs well, and pour in the melted butter while continuing to whisk (I do this in place of cream and have found it makes amazing scrambles too). Season with salt and pepper to taste (note- cheese is salty so take that into account!)

  8. Ladle the egg mixture evenly across the muffin cups, over your toppings, filling almost but not quite to the top- they will puff up! (see picture below)

9. Bake for 10-13 minutes (I'll be honest, I forgot to time this! Still working on this writing recipe thing...)- the muffins will puff up and turn a light golden brown, you don't want to overcook them! When they're ready, take them out and let them sit for 5-10 minutes (hardest part). Use a rubber spatula to loosen and pop them out.

I served them with warmed roasted garlic marinara, I bet a roasted red pepper sauce would also be delightful, or enjoy them plain! Please share any modifications and variations, or just comments on how this went for you! Enjoy!

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